Monday, September 17, 2012

Walk home gym and exercise program gorgeous

With the hectic life of today can be a few adults with families can take the time to go to the health club or gym neighborhood on a regular basis. Heck, even if a short distance, and we are talking about the commitment of several hours at each session. Who has time for that?
But we all know that exercise is downright is just as good for you. If you name a random group of 10 medical conditions and diseases, and I'm willing to bet money that some form of frequent exercise is a good treatment or preventative measure for at least 9 of them. Diet and exercise pop up as treatments and preventive measures in a lot of diseases that afflict us today, and these areas are a good place to focus on if you have a question about your health. Even Mini can just walk to exercise go a long way to improve your health. Walking for exercise fun and easy, and the main stress is reduced, but more about that in a minute.

Another idea is that the home gym equipment. Now we are not talking enough material to fill the basement or several bedrooms. What you want is to love something that can be done in the privacy of your home whenever you want. My son, who works on his muscles is weight workout with one piece of equipment. Wife loves working small antenna trampoline and treadmill. Idea home gym equipment does not need to be a daunting task, just something that will save you hours and allow the exercise program that you want from your home page. Last great workout however simply walking!

The great thing about walking for exercise that you can do anywhere. You have absolutely no excuse not to get up and walk around for a period of not less than 30 minutes a day. So it's raining outside? Take an umbrella! Seriously, just go out for a short stroll around the block a few times, and will thank you later. If its very miserable, just walk around the house or apartment a little is better than nothing.

Walking for exercise very low impact, so any person of any age can do it safely and frequently without worrying deterioration. Can run and other more strenuous exercise cause all kinds of joint pain, and is not recommended unless it works for you good condition otherwise.

A large number of recent studies on the different forms of exercise walking is just as good for you as running or other exercises more power, just as you do for a longer period. If you are walking exercise, go for at least 30 minutes to an hour. The better, because you can not hurt yourself by walking too.

There are many training programs that are beginning to realize the benefits of walking for exercise. He also ordered almost anyone can walk can do, there is a huge market to target drivers. I would advise any program that motivates you to walk frequently. Even without that, there is hiking and walking everywhere to join clubs. Can not only be walking for exercise and a way to stay in good health, but it can be a good way to meet new people and make new networks.

With a lot of benefits and almost no negatives, you can not go wrong with walking for exercise. The only drawback is that it takes a long time to do, but it is time well spent. What is the value of good health and longevity? Add a piece of equipment for your favorite sports and everything you need to develop a healthy workout and exercise program without the inconvenience of going to the gym all the time.

tai chi, health, success

There was a long time I have not been exercising. I feel that my country is the endurance and the descent, I get tired easily. This is not a good sign. I tried some Tai Chi exercise after work. However, it seems that I can not continue. I train regularly. I jogged 3 days a week for a period of not less than 5 km. In addition I had Tai Chi classes twice a week. But now, because of the busy professional life and my favorite show in Korean television at night, and I barely practice.
Recently, I came across a very interesting idea called 30 days to success. How it works is that, say you want to start a new habit for example jogging for a period of at least 3 times a week. I thought that some temporary activities. You do the test for 30 days. After 30 days, you no longer need to continue this.

I think it is human nature that whenever we need to change our daily habits, it seems very difficult for us to make a fresh start. We feel overwhelmed when we think that we must continue to do so for the rest of our lives. Get fed and we did not even make a new start. But if we think that this change is only temporary, and it becomes difficult not to us. In any case, after 30 days, we will be able to return to our normal daily lives.

This happens after several days of trial -30, and will become a habit for us, and it will be easier for us to continue to maintain this habit. This is a powerful way to improve our lives.

I'll try with 15 minutes of daily exercise to test simple tai chi for 30 days.

25 Ways to get 10 minutes of exercise fitness-PT # 2

Around the house
1. When you go outside to pick up your morning newspaper, and take a brisk walk 5 minutes up the street in one direction and the other in the back.

2. If you care homes for a sick child or grandchild, jumped on the exercise bike or walk while sick loved one naps.

3. Try 5 to 10 minutes of jumping jacks. (Women can not of £ 150 calories burned 90 in one session for 10 minutes.)

4. Cook dinner? Not standing push-ups while you wait for the pot to boil. Stand for purely from the kitchen table, and push your arms against terrorism. And work to pay your arms and shoulders.

5. After dinner, go and play outside of the mark or shoot baskets with your children and their friends.

6. Before going to sleep or while letting you flip at night, do a few repetitions of some exercise dumbbells, and suggests exercise instructor Sheila Cluff, owner and founder of The Oaks at Ojai and palm in Palm Springs, California, which keeps a set of free weights on the shelf in front of the sink her .


7. Walking around the block a few times while you wait for your child to take a music lesson. It also improves your fitness level, add 1 minute bursts of jogging to your walking.

8. Walking in medical facilities if you have a long wait to get an appointment with your doctor. "I always ask the receptionist to give me an idea of ​​how long I have to wait," said Cluff. "And are usually very willing Most can tell you."

9. While your son or daughter to play the game of football, and walking on the ground.

10. A trip to the park with your child to a small workout for you. Throw the ball back and forth and the performance of the balloon.

20 Home time outside of work

If you are busy, can not get up early morning or have no time for sport just follow this 20 minute home work out to stay healthy and fit.
1) Jog: in one place for 3 minutes

2) jumps: 25 reps
When landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce the impact on knee joints.

3) Crunches: 15 reps
Lie on your back with knees bent. Put your hands behind your head with elbows out. Support your neck with your hands. Keep your neck in a straight line with your spine. Elastic belt for raising the upper torso of the mat. Lower yourself until the back of your shoulders touches the mat.
Muscles worked: rectus abdominals

4) Hip Bridges: 10 repeats
Lie on your back. Hands at a 90 degree angle from the floor, lift your body off the floor to form a straight line, which is a sort of bridge from shoulders to knees. Would position the table in your hands ... The legs and feet of the table and your upper body on your knees and surface. Hold this position for two seconds. Put pressure on your gluteus (butt muscles) and then lower yourself.
Muscles worked: lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

5) Step - even 1 minute
You will need to step to this end.
Muscles worked: hamstrings, glutes, quards.

6) reverse crunches: 15 reps
Lie on your back with your hands at your sides. Keep your knees bent. Bring your knees toward your head, even a little hips off the ground. This position for a second and then lower your knees.
Muscles worked: lower abs and أبليقوس.

Mountaineers 7): 1 minute
On hands and knees and lift your knees like a starting block hostility. Run in that position, and support your upper body with the palms. Keep your back straight.
Muscles worked: triceps, delts, glutes, hamstrings and quards, and legs.

8) pay - UPS: 15 reps
Muscles worked: triceps, deltoids, armor.

9) random directions: 1 minute
Stand up straight. Now, down to crouch position. Go immediately to your legs and back directly on your toes in a push-up position, jump to pull legs from time to time on his chest, and the pole position, then stand up straight,
Muscles worked: arms, legs, chest and lower back.

Refresh yourself by walking around, and heart rate until the return begins to stretch normal.

There is a need to rest minutes in practice. Is very important. Do not hold your breath. Drink water during workouts. This exercise covers the entire body, and improves the efficiency of the heart and blood vessels and tones and strengthens the body.

10 ways to get the most out of the private health club membership

You have decided you want (or need) to get more work and get in shape. Thinking of joining a health club, but I had heard too many stories about people who sign up, go once or twice, and never return. I do not really know what kind of club to join: a series of low-cost, and more expensive fitness center, exclusively, or a club that caters to women or men.
And can buy and maintain a membership to a health club and be very complex, but if you follow these 10 tips, you will save money and be on your way to more fitness.

1. Make a list of your specific needs and desires of fitness. You will be comfortable working in a big club with men and women? You will need to access more than one club? You are looking for one-to-one personal training services? How many times you think you will work each month? Do you think you will be able to track your fitness regime? How much can you afford to pay each month subscription?

2. Once you have determined your needs, visit health clubs that meet your needs. Get a free ticket for each club (at least one week pass) and driving each club whenever possible during free periods.

3. Do not sign up for a membership to a health club while you are using the cards free of charge. Will be subject to sales representatives and managers of high pressure, and they will tell you that you need to register today for a discounted price. No. Health clubs offering discounted prices all the time.

4. When you have decided on a health club, and go back and speak to a salesperson about organic options. Do not feel obliged to sign a long-term contract with a health club. Remember that long-term contracts are really installment loans with high interest payments. If you do not think you will follow in your training, do not even think about signing these contracts. Collect all the written information on each type of membership, then go home and study at leisure. Not under pressure to sign up for a club membership.

5. When you talk with the seller, ask all the questions you want. Do not feel rushed or payment. Never forget that any contract you sign supersedes any promises a salesperson gives you. Even if the seller writes the contract, there is probably not doable from a legal standpoint. Contract is king. Read it carefully before signing.

6. Compared to the costs of each type of subscription, and do not forget that you must take the final decision on the basis of your needs, and not on short-term discounts that may seem like you are saving money, but end up costing you more money in the end.

7. Make sure you understand the requirements of each type of cancellation of the membership. Many health club long-term contracts is almost impossible to cancel. May contract month to month may be the best solution.

8. Do not sign up for automatic payments by credit card. If you do not want to subscribe, and you are able to cancel, you may find it difficult to get payments stopped.

9. Keep track of all your payments in the event of a conflict with your health club.

10. If you cancel your membership, make sure you have the written cancellation of your health club.

By following these tips 10, and will certainly you set yourself up for success fitness.

10 Things You Should Know About stretch

Before fitness training, one must give importance to the work of warm-up or stretching exercises to prevent accidents or improve performance during training. There are also a number of precautionary measures and tips to serve as a guide to fitness during the exercises. Here are some of them.
1. To increase your flexibility and to avoid injuries, stretch before and after training. Almost everyone knows that stretching before workout prevents injuries during the exercises, but people know that only a few stretching after a workout, when the muscles are still warm, can increase flexibility.

2. Hold your position extends for more than 60 seconds to increase flexibility. While holding your position for 20 seconds is sufficient for friendlies, and held every position at least 60 seconds, and the development of flexible body.

3. Do not go to the stretch position and then return immediately to the position of rest, and do it over and over again. This is what is called and more convenient when recovery mode. When stretching, hold that position for a few seconds, then release slowly. You can do this exercise repeatedly this way. Bouncing or forcing yourself into a position extending through strain or damage some joints or muscles.

4. Work slowly in increments instead of proceeding immediately to do the hardest exercise or position.

5. Make sure that you have stretched or warmed up all muscle groups. For some people, even if they are solid objects, they tend to neglect the neck when working out of the stretch. Can stretch the muscles of the neck be as simple as put the palm of the hand against the front of the head and pushing it. Then do the same on both sides and the back of the head.

6. Stretch regularly to continually increase your range of movements and your level of flexibility and strength.

7. Workout considering only your capabilities and not for others. Do not force yourself to do exercises that you are still not able to just having people who can do it. Slowly increase your limits. Listen to your body. There are days when your body may be too tired that you may have to consider reducing the breadth of the movement.

8. Learn to relax. Rest between sets and stations to make sure that the body has enough time to recover energy. In addition, it is recommended that you do not operate on the same muscle groups two days in a row. Muscles grow during the period when you rest and not when you are working out.

9. Do air exercises to strengthen your heart. Aerobic exercises are physical activities that a large amount of oxygen for fuel. Cardio-vascular and this includes such rope skipping, running or swimming.

10. Can help you to music when you want to train for longer periods or to increase your intensity. You can use MP3 players, and CD players or lightweight radios am for this purpose. Make sure that the headphones brought with you so as not to bother people who do not prefer music while exercising.

Apart from preventing injuries and increasing the limit on his person, and is also said that a good stretch for a tired body and also the mind and spirit and stressed.

10 health tips for a successful fitness

Formatting is in the minds of most people. However, many people do not agree and fail in the first three months of an exercise program. But if it has become a tradition, and they stick to it, something magical happens after four months. I finally get the results you expect and chances are you will continue with the exercise program.
Here are 10 simple tips to help your fitness success.

1. Move. Determined to be active in a variety of physical activities on a regular basis which builds strength and cardiovascular capacity and flexibility.

2. The pump. Determined to participate in physical activities that involve large muscle groups in the body.

3. Let the muscles to do the work. Solution to lift weights or use resistance exercises to place demands and challenge your muscles.

4. Relax. Solution to stretch regularly - before, during or after exercise. Remember that the movement of muscles through a full range of motion on a regular basis.

5. Win the game is lost. Determined to maintain your weight at an appropriate level. If you need to lose weight, general rule to follow is to eat less, exercise more (both in moderation).

6. Watch what you eat. Determined to follow a healthy diet. Good nutrition equals good health. Good nutrition is to provide your body the necessary nutrients in adequate quantities.

7. Chill out. Resolve to keep your life in perspective. I know what are the factors that can and can not control in your life. "We" for these things out of your control. See opportunity for change and not as a threat.

8. Get plenty of rest. To solve enough sleep. Guide based on the amount of sleep you need is whatever you feel refreshed, alert and cheerful fairly good the next day. Sleep helps to rest and restore your body - both physically and mentally.

9. Keep your attention on the task at hand. Resolve to take the time to exercise on a regular basis. Consistency gets results. Focus on the muscles you are exercising. Do not just go through the motions.

10. Keep in mind that "there is no free lunch." Resolve to respect the lifestyle choices. Example, do not smoke. Maintaining an appropriate level of body fat. Avoid discount like last fads and food, and potions and practical tools that seem too good to be true (they always have).

8 tips to consider when buying a treadmill or elliptical

1. Away from the bone belts. We do not recommend them for 1) a good pair of running shoes provide more cushioning 2) they have in the heat, which shortens belt life, auto and life, and electronics life 3) increase the weight of the belt shortens bearing life in the rollers.
2. Do your own research and obtaining quotations from several different stores. Usually, whenever dealing with the various companies, and the best deals will they come up with such discounts and free products, private financing, etc..

3. Tread carefully when you buy online. Some companies, like Landice true that void your warranty if bought online, and some other restrictions on delivery distances from an authorized dealer. If in doubt, call or e-mail the factory. Another issue related to Internet buying delivery. Many of us in the field know how difficult it is to ship one or elliptical treadmill without having it damaged so deal with a company that has been done a long time ago and already learned how to do it. Another issue to keep in mind is what you intend to do if you do not like the device. Most companies accept returns but the cost of shipping back to the factory treadmill can cost hundreds of dollars easily so it is quite expensive trial test if the device was returned. Also delivered the sidewalk literally means what it says ... Trucking company will sit on the curb and it's your problem to get it at home, either to push it inside or delivery help ready. Another issue is the Internet service ... Some companies have good service networks and others do not, but remember that you probably will not get the kind of personal service you should expect from a local dealer.

4. Do not take care of your own mills. If they require a great deal or a lot of maintenance, and can maintain the cleanliness treadmill or elliptical and walking on the treadmill belt lubricated be the difference between having a large treadmill or a money pit. Back to our mill or elliptical instruction booklet to take care of maintenance.

5. If you are thinking of machines used, you really homework, and then do it again. We rebuild the functions of the clubs local health all the time and when to do the work for people who buy models the health club for a house, but do because it costs the right quite a bit, and if someone is telling you they have used or rebuilt in a price amazing, you usually Do not get the whole story.

6. Since buying a treadmill is a huge investment for most people, choosing the agent and the plant carefully. As with any product, a brand new company might not be around in a few years, parts can be very specific to the hardware and spare parts may not be available if the manufacturer is not around. A dealer reputation for high quality and personal service necessary for some people. Other people feel confident in the services and equipment of their own, so know which one you buy accordingly. If you know one end of the wrench on the other hand, you may want to save a few dollars with the purchase of the Internet. And others may need to pay the full price of the service should be obtained from a local dealer, but if you pay higher prices, demand a higher level of service.

7. Treadmills and ellipticals differ from many other home appliances. Remember, we average treadmill if it has collapsed only once every 5 years ... This average! Extended warranties can sense if the manufacturer has a short warranty and if you get it from a reputable company extended warranty. Remember dealer is usually not a security provider and many went out of business over the years and other difficult to handle. For example, UTS (escrow company code) is the best we have ever dealt with. If you get on the device icon, buy warranty UTS ... It will be well worth it. UTS is 800-677-3838. Also, Sears has a good extended warranty program and it usually pays for itself in the case of use of the device. On the other hand, we had problems with a company called NEW and many others have gone from business done your research on your warranty if you have never heard of them.

8. There is great information final if you want to save a bit of money. Due to the effect of parts of Asia, Near treadmills and ellipticals are getting better and better while the price is to hold the line and those being made today in the range $ 800 is much better than machines $ 800 introduced 10 years ago. If you need to save a few bucks and the doctor says he is fine, use a few degrees of the Ascension always when using the device. If device has been well maintained and if you use a bit of a climb (on the treadmill), you can get by with a little less of the device, which may require otherwise. Ascension allows gravity to take over much of the workload from the drive system. There is a vicious circle used with boarding narrowly take longer than relatively care in a vicious circle of uses at a constant level.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Secrets Diet 7 of the stars

Celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting down the red carpet at the film and the award to the Prime Minister, they never cease to fascinate us from the larger presence of life. The truth is, it takes a lot of effort to look the way they do, and being the public figures that they, they can not be complacent when it comes to their appearance physical care. Livelihood largely depends on how you look. Apart from clothing, hair and makeup, celebrities have to take care of their bodies.
It is therefore not surprising that these stars have their secrets for when it comes to staying fit and gorgeous. Their agenda can range from extreme workouts health well-planned for meals. Who does not want to know their secrets in staying absolutely sexy? Here are some of the secrets of celebrities of seven women system.

1. Jennifer Aniston
The star of the TV show Friends not only mesmerized the huge audience with her sense of comedy adorable hairstyle famous, also known as having one of the attractive bodies in Hollywood, as it appeared in countless magazine covers. To keep in shape, Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet method. Diet consists of:

40% carbohydrates with low glycemic index
And foods such as fruits, legumes and vegetables, legumes

30% fat-free proteins
Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and dairy products low in fat

30% of essential fatty acids
Nuts and seeds, fish and olive oil

It is essential that every meal contains must macronutrients to balance hormones and maximum weight loss.

2. Kate Hudson
Gained the daughter of actress Goldie Hawn gorgeous 60 £ during her pregnancy, which she needed to shed quickly before embarking on her next. Previous diet, and passed it to a diet richer in protein. They consume high protein meals in smaller portions, and she combined this diet with an exercise program includes weight training and heart disease. After getting a lot of criticism because of the number after her pregnancy, Kate removed all that baby weight in only four months and has gained abdominal muscles that gained the envy of many in Hollywood.

3. Oprah Winfrey
As one of the hosts most successful talk show in the world, and there is no doubt that Oprah needs to maintain the appearance of physical to millions of viewers to it. Recognized as one of those personalities who are struggling constantly with weight gain, she tone her figure recently and seemed not figure in age 50 by combining diet and regular exercise. Oprah works five days a week, spending 30 minutes on the threadmill and doing free weights. Diet consists of legumes, fish, nuts, and fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy products that are low in fat. It limits the consumption of white sugar and flour. Oprah also credited her figure trim to its habit of not eating anything after seven in the evening.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow
May find many people it hard to believe that the Academy has always been a small award-winning actress actually needs to diet. Gwyneth actually follows a healthy eating plan that resembles Oprah in, avoiding sugar and white flour. It usually follows a vegetarian diet, eating foods like vegetables, brown rice, and lean meat. She also exclude dairy from her diet, and does yoga everyday.

5. Virgin Mary
Pop star known as a girl and always brags material a body to die for, and has become a real model of fitness over the years. She keeps in shape by having Ashtanga Yoga, and follows a strict diet that avoids mostly junk food. Adopted a vegetarian eating plan includes organic foods rich in protein lean.

6. Claudia Schiffer
Supermodel German bodacious eat vegetables steamed and authority for dinner and eats only fruits before the afternoon. While on locations, she prefers to eat black grapes and drinks tomato juice and herbal tea.

7. Christie Brinkley
Model maintains long all-American good looks of being a vegetarian. It does not take junk food of any kind inside her home to make sure she does not eat them when cravings occur. She snacks on sweet potatoes in place of candy bars, and it depends on the liquid diet juice when it needs to slim down fast.

Celebrities of ordinary people. Must also maintain their personalities just like anyone else, and there is more pressure on their part because they are always in the public eye. Ordinary people can be celebrities like bodies, too, and by following diet plans and fitness, they can also look like red carpet worthy.

7 Tips for Fitness Women

Do you want to be a fitness woman? You are a woman or fitness, but I want to be effective? Here are 7 tips on how to become an effective fitness woman:
1. Get a program that suits you best. Every woman fitness differently. You have a history of surgery that may not be appropriate for the program for you. Always consult a qualified trainer to make sure that the fitness program will not hurt you. If the fitness program is not for you, you will not only be a cause of frustration and injuries.

2. Set realistic goals. Will not be frustrated if you set your mind to reshape your body in a month? Make sure that the body you prefer in a period of time can be achieved realistically. It should also be a specific program will not give you false hopes. It is important to be aware of the blocks you encounter in daily life. This will help you know what program is satisfactory. Once the program has been reached, then you can set goals and timelines realistic.

3. You must perform work on the parts of your body where muscles. The main reason is, when you develop muscles, you burn more calories and reduces body fat while. It is recommended that multi-joint exercises and weight lifting. Find out what exercises work on certain parts of the body. Like many joint exercises and said to be effective but time-saving.

4. Be regularly to work on the muscles. Muscles to work harder with the passage of time. And repeating the same sets of exercises and same weight without getting your muscles to work harder not give satisfactory results. You can save the results every day and make progress on the basis of your previous data. There are daily record also motivate you since you are able to track how far you went. It builds confidence since there is nothing written proof has been completed successfully.

5. Performance of a set of exercises in 10 repetitions. And called all the numbers that has been done repeatedly. Try to make every repetition with less momentum as much as possible. Less dynamic, the hardest working muscle. More they work, and become larger. To check if there is a significant momentum when lifting, see if the arm moves. If not float arm, then there a lot of momentum.

6. Be flexible and perform a variety of exercises. Must exercise each program on one variety. You can change your workouts and set goals each month to keep you motivated and on the road. Doing this will help you avoid being boring and losing energy physically and mentally.

7. Be motivated! The best way to keep the energy levels of trainees is to allow a healthy competition and allow them to have a sense of control. Having control is a sense in which everyone can participate in the implementation of the program. To do this, you must also be consistent in demonstrating your skills.

Not all programs work for all types of people. There is nothing better training for all. But you learn from the experience. Learn to recognize blocks and demonstrate self-discipline, keep yourself motivated and diverse work hard every day and add-on. Do these things, you will discover that many programs will work for you.

5 Super Tips simple process

With each new year comes the desire to start exercising. Maybe you've made even promise to add more exercise into your day. If your efforts in practice is not going well as you had planned, take a look at these tips. They can help you get on the right track.
Tip # 1 - Do something you enjoy

Exercise does not have to mean spending hours in the gym are selling away on a stationary bike. This does not mean you have to spend money on exercise gadgets that are likely to never use, either. Anything you can do to move your body will be better than nothing. Walking is an easy exercise that you can do almost anywhere, in any climate. Cycling, dancing, gardening, weight lifting, swimming, playing favorite sport, cleaning the house, playing in the yard with your children so are just some of the ways that you can add to the exercise of your daily routine.

Tip # 2 - the time schedule for exercise

As you do a meeting or appointment the doctor, and sometimes the only way to take the time to exercise is put on your schedule every day. We all have busy lives, we often so busy taking care of others that we do not seem to make time for ourselves. Once it becomes part of your daily exercise to-do list, and you're more likely to do so. Some people have only a certain time during the day to exercise available while others will have to change the time every day. Some people need to batch them, exercise with a friend is a good solution. Whichever you choose the way that works best for you. Remember to go to Real Madrid and do it!

Tip # 3 - Remember that exercise can be activated

Even if you feel tired very exercise, and give it a try anyway. You could be surprised to find how you feel energized while you're there, and then when you are finished. Exercise is a great stress reliever too, and if you know anything about stress, you know that this is one of the largest bodies of power of fire.

Tip # 4 - Do not be afraid to mix

As is the case every thing over and over again, it can become a regular practice. When you're bored with exercise, you're less likely to stick to it. To avoid getting bored with your workout routine, change it. If you're tired of walking, cycling a try. If you're in the weight lifting, try alternating with cardio-vascular throughout this week. Go bowling or play a game of tennis from time to time, and if you find that you enjoy these types of activities, and to join the team.

Tip # 5 - Always start warming

Whatever type of exercise you choose, it is very important to start each session to warm up your muscles. Stretching helps to prevent damage to muscle tissue and blood flow gets. It gets your heart rate as well. Just five minutes is all it takes to get the session exercises began a good start.

5 Myths about the Fitness Exercises

1. Sport for professionals. This idea applies only in the case of athletic performance. Can only qualifications for professional athletes mother (speed, skill and high specific, etc.) should be established, can not be the problem of training. As the objective of the ordinary person is not a performance, and can be practiced almost all sports to keep the body in good condition. About doses training choose to take advantage of greater wear. The sport can be practiced even considered a difficult path "soft" (Tai Po, mini-triathlon, jogging, etc.).
2. Training and tiring. This idea is true as long as it refers to the energy consumption of all your (muscle and liver glycogen), but this does not mean that the training will take you to a state of fatigue that may slow the healing process of the body . Even in athletic performance, and the goal of this is to be effective, rather than exhausting training, so that the body can impetus to qualitative progress of training to another.

More than in other sports, in fitness athlete spared excessive. However, we must not become ineffective training. People can come to the gym tired after working day and leave relaxed (physically and psychologically) and not more tired. This is very useful for people with sedentary jobs, but also to those who do physical effort at work. Can be used for training by selecting the type of effort is designed to compensate a person involved in their jobs.

3. Training takes time. Again, this idea is true if it is applied to the performance that can be achieved through hard work. But even in this case, is often carried out training and short intense training or for relaxation and recovery. In fitness, you can get training for 20 minutes, and work only super-fast series of exercises, which may include, directly or indirectly, all the muscles. In all cases, you should not take regular training over an hour and a half. Otherwise, the body is in catabolic faze, when the cortisone secretions "dismantle" the muscles.

4. Any type of best practices to solve your problems. What is true in this refers to some special cases, such as excess fat. This can be a fabric "melted" by any type of exercise (walking, cycling, swimming) if this continues long enough. Even in these cases, it was clear that some of these exercises are more effective than others. There are cases where only a series of exercises with a certain amount of each, can give you the results you expect. More than that, the same process can be repeated at any time be the result not only of the loss of balance and muscle discount in the joints involved in training, but also to stop the advance or back again.

5. I was the oldest? More exercises no! It is true that if we refer to a very tedious efforts (really heavy weights, fast running, jumping, etc..) There are lots of exercises adapted to different ages. Their goal is to maintain and improve health, and to improve physical fitness. Develop standards for the movement of the elderly refers specifically to muscle strength, heart and blood vessels, as well as the movement in the joints. Because the ultimate goal of training does not prepare for the competition, you can organize these exercises gradually and depending on the difficulty, and eliminate the risk of accidents. It is based on perseverance, fitness can be adapted without problems for the elderly and even for people who suffer from various special love for old age.

5 elements of fitness

Fitness is the ability to work effectively in all parts of your work day, do your usual activities and more energy is enough to deal with all emergencies or additional restrictions that may arise.
Fitness components are:

* Cardiorespiratory (CR) endurance - the efficiency with which the body delivers oxygen and nutrients needed for muscular activity and the transfer of waste cells.

* Muscle strength - as much muscle strength or muscle group can exercise in a single effort.

* Muscular endurance - the ability of muscles or muscle group to perform repeated movements with maximum power subsystem for long periods of time.

* Flexibility - the ability to move the joints or any group of joints through a range and, full of natural movement.

* Body composition - body fat percentage a person has with respect to body mass.

Will improve the first three components of the case above have a positive effect on body composition, and will lead to less fat. Excess fat in the body affect the components of fitness, and reduces the appearance of performance weakens, and a negative impact on your health.

Are classified as factors such as speed and agility, muscle strength, and coordination between eye and hand and eye coordination, foot and components fitness "Motor". This the most important factors affecting the ability sports. Can improve the proper training of these factors within the limits of your capabilities. A reasonable weight loss and fitness program seeks to improve or maintain all the components of physical fitness and motor sound, progressive, mission specific physical training.

Principles of practice

Respect some basic principles of exercise is important for the development of an effective program. The same principles of exercise apply to everyone at all levels of physical training, of the caliber of Olympic athlete of the jogger at the end of the week.

Must follow these basic principles of exercise.


For the training effect, you must practice often. You should practice each of the four components in the Fitness First at least three times a week. Can practice rare more harm than good. Consistency is also important that the rest of the objects and a balanced diet.


Should the intensity (power) and / or duration (duration) of the exercise gradually increase to improve the level of fitness.


To be effective, the program should include activities that address all aspects of the situation, since exaggerate any one of them can hurt others.


Provide a variety of activities reduces boredom and increases motivation and progress.


Must be directed towards specific targets training. For example, people become better runners if their training emphasizes respectively. Although swimming is great exercise, it does not improve more than 2 miles long as it is not a driver.


It should follow a hard day of training for a particular component of fitness training after a day or day of rest easier this component and / or muscle group (s) to assist in the recovery permit. Another way to allow recovery to alternative muscle groups exercised every day, especially when training for strength and / or muscular endurance.


Should the workload of the practice of each regular session exceed the requirements placed on the body to produce a multiplier effect.

5 Great Tips on Exercise

Misconceptions prevented you begin to exercise an exercise program? Eliminate confusion and to allow the exercise of these tips to improve your workout routine. We hope to prevent another such myth is a common practice, and mistakes and misunderstandings you work on.
1. Common mistake: do not set goals. Do you exercise without a clear goal in mind? The existence of a clear goal set is a critical step in the success of the exercise and weight loss. It will track the progress of your magazine to help ensure you see your improvements, will help motivate you and help you achieve your ultimate goal.

2. A common misconception: No pain, no gain. Pain is the body's way that lets you know there's something wrong. Do not ignore it. When overriding practice and test yourself, you will encounter physical discomfort and need to overcome it. An example of this is the training for a marathon. It is important to have a "basic training" before getting into the advance training. Base for the development of training and getting ready for an intense workout. You must learn to "read" your body. Breathing is heavy because you pay your body or it can be the beginning of a heart attack. Exercise is important. Do it right and you can do for the rest of your life.

It is natural for you to hurt after exercise, but it must be done gradually with a good amount of rest periods to allow proper healing. There are two common problems here with beginning exercises. May cause permanent damage to the tendons and muscles long and ligaments if you work while you are in pain, without allowing enough rest time to heal. You may find yourself subjected to continuous pain and long term if you do, which means that you will not be able to exercise.

If you wake up in the morning, after practice and could barely get out of your aching body out of bed because all evil, you will be less motivated to exercise at all. Constant pain is a sure way to kill your exercise program.

3. Common misconception sacrifice quality for quantity. When you are ready to increase the number of representatives from the exercise of certain and strengthen the muscles of the interview, instead of forcing you to do a little more each time you try to reduce the number of representatives within the group, but increase the number of groups. In addition, you retire to your number of representatives of half of the usual, but in addition to other two groups. You will feel less tired and will be able to gain strength in fast-twitch muscles of your.

4. Common myth: Weight training makes women bulky. And weightlifting for women to build muscle and burn fat and increase metabolism, not build mass. Women do not produce enough testosterone to build muscle mass the way men do.

5. Common mistake: more emphasis on strengths. Should start focusing on your points rather then what you are good at. This will help you balance things. For example, if your lower body is stronger than you upper body, then try to work on this area one day a week.

Be smart about how exercise is a long way. It is important to have a healthy body to get there and start practicing today.

5 Things must be done for the benefit of the program begins fitness

The most common challenge that people I talk to face is how to incorporate fitness in their lives. They know they must do something to get in shape but do not really know how. Can be discouraging because of the abundance of information out there. To the extent that you do not know where to start.
Our society has a lot of food choices that it is easy to pack pounds. Today also functions today less material as it was 100 years ago so we have sedentary lifestyles. We know that there are benefits of participation when we exercise and cleaning or feeding. However, most of us know do not know how or where to start.

So where to begin? Or is the question: How can we begin?

The first thing you need to do is go to the doctor and get the approval to start exercising. Your doctor may give you some useful tips as well.

After obtaining the "OK" from your doctor, try these things 5 ​​to help you get started:

Make the right choice to start exercising and eating well

Making the decision to do something is a form of commitment you made to yourself. Decide that you need to change behavior creates new possibilities. When you say to yourself, "I need to get in shape," and that means something. Must answer these questions in mind: When can I walk? What should I do exercises? What foods to eat? Make yourself think about the commitment that just made. And then only you can give up the past and take steps to move forward.

Write what you

You need a reference and realistic your weekly activity. Write down everything you do during the week. This should include the hours of work and hours of movement, nights spent with your spouse, your child's activities and anything else you can think what you are doing. You must also include what you do on the weekends. You should make a list for each day of the week. Here's why .....

Some people set lofty goals like working 2 hours per day. This may be due to an old saying, "the more the better." However, this is not the case. And knowledge of your schedule to help you set realistic goals and help you get a few hours a week to start exercising. You will have a visual point of view on what can and can not do with your routine.

Research and information

Most people do not have enough information before starting work on the program. How we get the information we need? The good news is that we live in the information age. Enjoy your favorite search engine and you have to learn more about fitness and nutrition. However, do not go overboard and lose focus. Find the source of the information you want and take notes. Find the simplest and easiest workouts and nutrition tips. Do not charge over you to get the information.

If you have the money, hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to help you get started. Contracting with a personal trainer is a great way to start because you committed to meet one what to workout. Your goal is to be a trainer show you the basics of exercise and healthy eating. It can also be sure you know how to perform the exercises (especially if you have not exercised for a period of time).

Develop a plan simple and set realistic goals

Keep it simple! After a simple plan while on a hectic schedule is much easier to follow a detailed plan. You must have a plan of days that you want to work and goal to change your eating habits during the next few weeks. For example, "I will be working on for half an hour three days a week. I eat a little less every meal." Simple is success.

Implementation of your plan

Now that you have a plan, all you have to do is follow it. This is another important step. You should look at your plan every day when you wake up. You have to be ready mentally for a great day in the future. The presence of your schedule daily at hand to help you achieve your goals for the day. Upon completion of the exercise for the day, and highlight or removed from the list. It will show you what you've done something for you. All you have to do. This will be more difficult for (and more rewarding) step.

I hope these things help you to start a new life of fitness. Life is full of decisions, knowing your obligations, and access to information, and planning and implementation. Try these methods and you will see for yourself that the presence of your workout and nutrition is not far-fetched or as complicated as you think.

3 Secrets and Tips for its collection of aging

Anti-aging, stay young, look younger or just feeling younger is an industry worth millions of dollars. It has very good reasons for this. We have a generation of increasingly aging. This generation is one of the largest generation on the planet. Of course, there are many people who are not of age. Therefore, anti-aging products are rampant in the market. But can not be "caught" by the unnecessary products that play on the feelings of those who want to look young.

Here are three secrets and tips that will help you avoid the risk of buying products that are not necessary.

Secret Tip # 1: Feed your face
If you feed your face anti-aging food on a regular basis, it will be easier to stay young. Another way of saying this is just to make sure you are not feeding your body full of junk that is sure to perpetuate the aging process. Also, be aware that if you try to escape eating stage, and it will become faster and faster. Body knows what it needs. Just give your body.

Secret Tip # 2: Pick something or go somewhere
In other words, get up off the couch, turn off the TV and do things anti-aging. This should not give good results. Find an activity or two that you like. Walking, jogging weights, riding a bike, take a pogo stick. Do anything that causes your body to move and exert some activity. This will allow your body to stay young by stretching muscles and keeping you flexible at the same time.

Tip Secret # 3: Do not Killjoy
The tip of the foregoing No. 2 anti-aging secret to find something you enjoy. This is the secret of this article. Find something you enjoy doing. Just know that if you drink stupor drinking alcohol is the only thing that you will not stay young longer. In fact, if you are under age and you can do it, you can not keep enjoying old. The key to the whole process of anti-aging is to treat the body and have the right to have fun doing it.

Enjoy life and stay young mentally, emotionally and physically, and you will see the anti-aging process that you'll be happy. This will give you the motivation and momentum to continue the lifestyle of anti-aging.

"The road to health and vitality"

It is time to start a healthy lifestyle:Your 7 days program

How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you go to the gym in the morning, then change your point of view than eight hours later because when you get up, you do not want to do sports ?

Even if it can happen to the best of us, that does not mean that you should completely abandon the ball when it comes to staying in shape. What people need to realize that staying active and eating well critical for long-term health and wellness - and that an ounce of prevention is better than cure.

The more you know about how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize nutrition and exercise is good for you. When you eat well, increase the level of physical activity, and
Exercise at the right intensity, you indicate that you want the body to burn a lot of fuel. This translates to burning fat more efficiently energy.

In other words, in addition to eating habits, healthy metabolism speeds equal to, which in turn gives you more energy throughout the day and allows you to work more efficiently with less effort.

The real purpose of the operation sends a message to repeated requests to improve the metabolism of fitness, strength, aerobic capacity and overall health. Each time you exercise, your body responds by increasing its capabilities to burn fat throughout the day and night, Exercise does not have to be intense to work for you, but did not need to be coherent.

I recommend engaging in the practice of cardiovascular regularly four times a week for 20-30 minutes per session, and resistance four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced approach provides
1-2 punch, incorporating aerobic exercise to burn fat and deliver more oxygen, and resistance training to increase lean body mass and burn more calories around the block.

Here's a sample exercise program that may work for you:

* Warm up - seven or eight minutes of light aerobic activity intended to increase blood flow and lubricate and warm up your tendons and joints.

* Resistance Training - Train all major muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds between sets.

Bags year * - choose two favorite activities, they may be jogging, rowing, biking or cross-country skiing, whatever suits your lifestyle. Performance from 12 to 15 minutes of the first action and followed by 10 minutes
Activity 2. Calm during the last five minutes.

* Stretch - end the practice session of stretching, deep breathing, relaxation and meditation.

When starting an exercise program, it is important to be realistic expectations. Depending on your fitness level primary should expect the following changes early on.

* From one to eight weeks - feel better and have more energy.

* From two to six months - Lose size and inches while becoming smaller. Clothing begins to adapt more flexibly. You gain muscle and lose fat.

* After six months - Start losing weight very quickly.

Once you make a commitment to exercise several times a week, do not stop at this point. You should also change your diet and / or eating habits, says Zwiefel. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages nutrient Obed
Impractical. Instead, I suggest following these easy guidelines:

* Eat several small meals (optimally four) and two snacks throughout the day

* Make sure each meal balanced - incorporate palm size of protein like lean meats, fish, egg whites and dairy products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like bread, pasta whole wheat and wild rice, cereals, potatoes, multigrain, and fist-sized portions of vegetables and

* Reduce consumption of fat which is necessary for adequate flavor

* Drink at least eight 8 - ounce. Glasses of water throughout the day

* I also recommend taking a multivitamin each day to ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

I think that's all I can think of for now. I want to thank my friend the doctor. Without him, I would not be able to write this article, or keep my sanity.

Enjoy life, we all deserve.

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